Thursday, November 22, 2007


Well tomorrow, (technically today since it's 12:06 a.m.) is Thanksgiving so I thought I would write a few thanks. I am thankful for everything that I have and I realize that I have a pretty easy life. I am well-fed, well-sheltered, well-clothed, well-loved, well-educated; but, yet I still find reasons to complain, things to be jealous about, and quite often mix up my needs and my wants.

I could list all the things I am thankful for for days, but if I had to list 15 things that are high on my list they would be:

1. my mom and her constant and dedicated service to others
2. my dad and his hard, hard work and giving attitude
3. my sister, Annie, and her wittiness, and willingness to put up with me and my personality
4. my extended family and their love for me
5. my roommate, Annie, and her willingness to put up with me, and listen to my constant talking even when she's heard the same story five times
6. my friends that look out for me and really care about me and the things that are happening in my life
7. my testimony of Jesus Christ and his teachings
8. my education
9. my toothbrush and toothpaste
10. my comfortable home and nice apartment that my dad has worked hard to provide for my family and me
11. chapstick
12. the advancements in technology that exist today
13. my car that gets me where I need to be
14. running, warm water
15. electricity

Those are obviously just a few things I am thankful for, but I think it's interesting to sit back and really think about all the things the Lord has blessed me with and to realized that my life really isn't so hard.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I too am grateful for chapstick.