Saturday, November 17, 2007

Hiking the Y

So last week Annie and I got the bright idea that we were going to hike the Y. We both grew up in Utah, and now go to BYU and have never hiked the Y. We got a fun group together Friday night and headed up. As I started walking up the steep inclines and hundreds of switchbacks I was thinking, who really does this for fun? This is like a "Parent's Weekend" or family reunion activity and I'm just thinking, "Do people honestly do this for enjoyment?" That's a hard hike, not that I'm out of shape or anything, but you can feel it. Then I saw like 10 couples on dates to the "Y". I'll be honest, that is not a date I would be too excited about going on, it might be a good joke to start the date, but who really does that? We made it quickly to the top, and it was like, "well, sweet, check that one off the list." It really didn't give me the gratification I was expecting, but hey, at least I can now proudly say that I have hiked the Y.

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