Friday, February 25, 2011

happy birthday to my mom

today is my dear mother's birthday. she is a fabulous lady. i won't tell you how old she is, but here are 50 great things about her and only part of the reason i love her

my mom:
1. is patient, very patient
2. willingly cleaned out my sink drain
3. willingly cleaned out my shower drain
4. is a great listener even after the 5th time of the same story
5. is the best shopping partner around
6. is selfless
7. attends the temple weekly
8. cooks dinner almost every night even after a long day at work
9. will deliver said dinner to us at work
10. makes awesome cakes for all occasions
11. still does my laundry
12. puts up with me
13. willingly helps me move (13 times in 5 years)
14. walks every day with the neighbor ladies rain, snow, blizzard, or shine
15. is always finding ways to serve others
16. knows how to remove almost every type of stain
17. doesn't get upset when I tell her I don't like something
18. has helped with countless hours of homework (still going)
19. tells me when I'm being ridiculous and is always right
20. loves to shovel the walks after a snow storm
21. clears our cars after a snow storm
22. not only cooks dinner, but cooks very good dinners
23. always tells us the best remedy is going to bed
24. willingly helps us with whatever projects we take on
25. is loved by all the neighbor kids
26. better yet, is loved and appreciated by the entire neighborhood
27. has put up with countless hours of noisy/messy friends and asks when they're coming over again
28. is an awesome skier
29. has listened to countless hours of piano practice and dried many tears when the song wasn't perfect the first time
30. is a great comforter and has dried many tears for many reasons
31. is a great example of making good choices
32. has a lot of love for everyone around her
33. is always nice, even if she doesn't want to be
34. can always be counted on for a walk and game of cards on a Sunday afternoon
35. has never had a bad thing said about her
36. is a very hard worker
37. has taught me to be a hard worker
38. is taking care of her ailing child (me) on her birthday (however, I'm not excited about the saline nose rinse)
39. has watched countless hours of volleyball
40. taught us everything we know about baking
41. thinks I'm funny, and that's all that matters
42. has always trusted us to make good decisions
43. somehow raised us to not fight with each other
44. lets us live at home, in fact, she welcomes it
45. raised me to be a very good shopper
46. has been there through many break-ups and heart breaks
47. taught us how to choose good friends
48. doesn't realize how awesome she really is
49. is a woman admired by many
50. is the best mom around

love you mom, happy birthday!

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