Wednesday, May 27, 2009

big news!

so I have some big news. more news than I've had in a while.

I got a job! a real life job!

I was working for Canyon Park Management Company doing odd jobs and projects and last week they offered me a position and I took it. I've had other offers but they just didn't seem right and this one does. I am the administrative assistant and am learning very quickly that i will have a huge variety of tasks which is exactly what i like.

it feels very nice to have found a job, i feel like i'm making some progress again and i enjoy having more stability (another plus is getting rid of all the job emails i've been getting that have no relevance to what i enjoy or have the skills for)

once again, i'm taking a step toward being grown up, and even though i can't go lay out or play volleyball as much as i'd like, it's a good thing

1 comment:

Rory and Rachel said...

Congrats! Welcome to the adult world- it sucks!