Sunday, March 15, 2009

3.1415926535 8979323846 26433832795028841971 6939937510

now for all you mathematicians out there, you know that yesterday was pi day since it was March 14 or 3 14. well, let me tell you, i celebrated to the fullest. this is no longer a holiday for math teachers who want an excuse to have a party during class and not teach that day, it's a day for making lots of pies and going back to our math roots.

i began my celebration about 2:40 a.m. because according to my friend rob, who all of the sudden became an expert on the correct celebration rituals of pi day, decided that we needed to eat a pie at 3:14 A.M.! i don't even start Christmas morning that early. anyway we bought a whip cream--with a small smattering of coconut--pie at macey's (thank you for being open 24 hours). we each then ate a small piece of pie and patiently waited for 3:14 to roll around so we could recite the first 100 digits of pi, because according to rob's "pi day society" that is how you celebrate. we finished this part of the celebration by all sharing one last piece of pie that was passed around our yes, we had 10 of us chanting the first 100 digits of pi at 3:14 in the morning (i apologize to the apartment above us).

next i slept in until 12:30 because well, i was tired.

then, i began baking my pie for a friendly pie-baking competition held later in the evening. it was almost all my favorite things in one pie--oreos, chocolate chips, cheesecake, coconut, sweetened condensed milk, and pecans; yes, it was good. (thank you to some great neighbors with great recipes)

naturally, after that i went shopping since it was a holiday. i only say this because i had the best jean buying experience ever. i went to banana, walked straight to the classic straight leg jeans, tried them on and they fit perfectly so i bought them and got 40% off. all of this happened in a matter of 10 minutes. how great is that?!

anyway, we had our pie-competition and after a lot of deliberation, the judging was inconclusive. the spokes-judge gave the best pie award to a very-berry pie, but the others said they voted for my chocolate, oreo, coconut, cheesecake goodness which was obviously the better choice.

either way, i definitely celebrated the day to the fullest; totally taking pi day to a whole new level

for those of you who have forgotten about pi, here is a nice little definition: Pi is a name given to the ratio of the circumference of a circle to the diameter. That means, for any circle, you can divide the circumference (the distance around the circle) by the diameter and always get exactly the same number. It doesn't matter how big or small the circle is, Pi remains the same. Pi is often written using the symbol and is pronounced "pie", just like the dessert.

1 comment:

Rory and Rachel said...

Ha! And a rockin' good time it was! My laptop was broken so I couldn't write about it until today, but that was one Pi Day celebration for the books!