Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Weapons Classes for Priesthood Brethren

my dad signed up for a series of weapons classes for the up-coming year. this was done through his elder's quorum and this is the list of subjects to be covered:

jan - concealed weapons training
feb - using laser sighting for your hand gun
mar - shoot gun home defense
apr - sniper rifle training
may - most effective kill points
june - .30 caliber air cooled machine gun training
jul - automatic weapons training (we have the opportunity to purchase 45 cal. Thompson hand held machine guns)
aug - dillon aero M134 6000 rounds per minute gatling gun training
sept - how to use and maintain 3.5 hand held anti personal rocket launcher
oct - hand held stinger missile training
nov - light armor training
dec - heavy armor training

it is concluded with this sentence "wimps and sissies are not allowed or welcome. our motto is "don't tread on me" or "blood, glory, and guts."

all i can say it that i am staying far, far away from wherever they hold these classes, someone is going to get hurt.


Blake said...

A. Upset your father didn't ask me to do the class with him
B. *Tread
3. I heart you

Kristen said...

you know, "don't tread on me" sounds a lot better, thanks Blake. there was a typo on the class list